Sunday 22 March 2009

BMAF National Cross Country Championships

This years British Masters Cross Country Championships where held in Ruthin, North Wales. The weather being dry, sunny , but with a cold breeze. The course could only be described as 'good going' so as far as I was concerned I had no excuses.
My wife, son, dad, Auntie and Uncle all came along for support and with expectations for me to do well. There's nothing like a bit of added pressure to keep you on your toes. The race distance was 5 miles consisting of one short lap and three long laps, exactly the same scenario as last weeks race which i messed up, so there was this slight niggle in the back of my mind about getting it right. The first short lap was fast from the gun and continued all the way round. By the end of the first long lap the lead had changed numerous times but the pace was still the same, myself I was giving it absolutely everything to stay in a medal position as some runners moved up as others fell back. Coming round at the end of the second lap with one lap to go i had drifted back some twenty metres off a leading group of four runners one being a V35 and not in my V40 Category so i was still in a medal position, Rob Burn the Thirsk and Sowerby Club Coach was giving great encouragement and support and making sure i was giving it rock all, I then made an hard effort down the start straight to get back in contention for a Gold Medal and running into a headwind i made contact with the front four runners, unfortunately by mid way round the final lap the group had split with five second intervals between each runner, with Rob shouting like a madman driving me to give it one last effort to grab the Silver position, I felt I was sprinting up that final climb but as i was just latching onto the runner in front my legs started to fade and my lungs were screaming for more oxygen, stride by stride and the gap opened back up to 5 seconds once more, one last two hundred metre dash proved to be fruitless as the runner in front had also accelerated to the same speed. BRONZE . I gave it everything for that bronze medal only Matched in effort this year in the battle for Gold at the Yorkshire Vets Cross Country Championships. Gold was won deservedly by Stewey Bell from the North East, Silver went to a Welsh Runner , Jones i think it was. (Always a Good name guess for a Welshman). A big thanks for my support crew and a big thanks for Rob Burn for making sure i finished the race without one last drop of fuel left in the tank.
Next years Championships are in Belfast Northern Ireland, so i might be tempted once more for pursuit of that National Gold Medal.
Well ! Another cross country season completed and it's now time to see if the cross country running has improved my road running, the next few road races should be a good test. I was also contemplating not putting the left race sock on first as it seems to of not been working over the last six months. But i just couldn't risk putting that right sock on first, maybe in the next small local race i will take that dreaded step into the unknown. 'He who dares'. Nah ! I know now i will not be able to risk everything on such a small matter.

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