Tuesday 15 September 2009

Another Home Run.

The extended run route home of 11 miles yet again turned out to be totally knackering. By half way I felt quite good and made a quick assumption that I must be getting used to the longer run home, how wrong I was. Maybe the 7 mile in the morning takes alot more energy than I think. I will just have to suffer for a few more weeks yet I suppose.
For some strange reason yesterday my legs felt almost back to normal after racing on Sunday, it usually takes about 3 or 4 days to recover after my first race back after such a long time away from racing. Even so I opted not to go for a recovery run and instead went for some more weight lifting down at the gym finishing off with 8 minutes of hard work on the stepping machine.
My plan of averaging 90 miles a week has not happened yet, more like 60 miles at the moment. This week should be better as I will manage to run 75 miles, cycle 42 miles, and complete 2 weight lifting sessions, and with the Tour of Britan cycle race to watch each evening I may start to suffer from sport overload.
I'm also looking forward to Saturday as we are going to Bella Italia with the brother in law and his family, no doubt I will not be able to resist a few beers. The long run with Ste Hepples the next day is getting harder by the minute, but I'm looking forward to that as well.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

Thanks for being honest. It's comforting to know that even the top runners sometimes find the training tough and things don't always go to plan.