Friday 25 December 2009

All the best.

Everything was going well about two weeks ago and then I got a stinking cold, which put an end to my running for five days or so and even now I haven't got back into full training. With not doing much running I have spent my run time doing extra marathon planning, with the aim to run sub 2 hour 25 minutes in 2010. My marathon is in May so mid February is looking good for starting my marathon training as I know too well that if you start to early you don't make it to the start line in peak condition. So between now and then I will enjoy some hard speed sessions and some good early season races.

I saw a watch I quite liked like which seemed to be very fitting. A Police special edition Terminator watch. " I'LL BE BACK ". I seem to be using this phrase more often these days. If I get on the podium at the Edinburgh Marathon I will reward myself with one.

I hope everyone has had a good Christmas and All the best for the new year.



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