Friday 29 January 2010

Job Dunn Munchie Head.

I have managed to get two runs in this week that have been over twenty miles. Today's run was a twenty one miler and I made hard work of it, I'm not sure if it was the reduced rations due to trying to loose some weight or if it was the icy cold wind getting the better of me. But on a positive note, I'm now nice and warm and pleasantly knackered with the knowledge of this weekends long run already in the mileage bank.
It's been a funny old week training wise, after getting over my cold I have managed to get in some good training but I have felt extra stiff as hell afterwards so an easy weekend will be enjoyed. I have already guzzled my weekly bottle of wine last night so I will have to bring on the lager as a substitute.
I will miss going to the gym this weekend but that just means I will look forward even more to Mondays gym session. I wouldn't mind doing one of my shorter test runs at full speed to see what kind of shape I'm in at the moment a 5 miler should do the trick either this week or next then I will have a good idea what time I should be aiming for at the Dewsbury 10k.
The calorie controlled diet was going well until today, since doing my long run I have just about gobbled my way through two days worth of calories and that's before fish and chips for tea. The long run munchie head syndrome is back.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

I can't believe your having to watch the calories. I thought the idea of doing the long run was so you could pig out after it. If you are truly watching the cals do watch out for the hidden ones. As you've mentioned before, porridge and cereals at breky times - ok, but you can't afford to do a bucket full. Not sure about wine but I think lager contains a lot.