Sunday 21 February 2010

Lonnnnggg run.

That was bloody hard ! As I set off on my new 26 mile route it started to snow, the first 6 miles are a bit hilly then it's more or less 20 miles of flattish roads. I passed the ten mile point in 1 hour 7 minutes and then the snow really started to come down, not wanting to be some sort of wuss I pressed on with my Spartan attitude thinking at least I'm now getting some cushioning with the snow underfoot. By the time I had run 17 miles my hands had passed the freezing feeling and were now entering the total numb feeling and the nice soft snow underfoot was no longer cushioning my feet but draining my energy away as it was beginning to feel like I was running in mud. I was pleased to see the 20 mile point and the time check was 2 hours 5 minutes just 6 miles to go so my moral was lifted slightly. The miles got longer and longer until the final mile almost felt like 2 miles in length, Hey ! It sounds just like a marathon. It wasn't what I had intended as my plan was to run a good steady 26 miles. My time was 2 hours 53 minutes. I will look forward to doing this run again some time but with the sun on my back hopefully.
My plan of cycling to and from work looks like a non starter with the snow, so I will try a jog to work which may take some time seeing as at the moment it takes me five minutes to cover 5 metres to put the kettle on.

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