Sunday 18 April 2010

Kilburn 7 Test Run.

Today was another 19 miler in preparation for the Edinburgh Marathon. My plan today was to run the six miles to Kilburn at a good steady pace and then run the Kilburn 7 mile race route at a good fast hard tempo pace and finally take it easy for the last six miles back home. This time I managed 41 minutes 36 seconds around the Kilburn 7 race route which is the quickest time I have ever done in a training run.
As I'm racing at Sheffield next weekend I will miss the first race in the Blacksheep Race Series which is the Fountains 10k but at least I will be able to assess what shape my rivals are in so I can adjust my race tactics for the Ripon 10 miler which will be my first battle in the Blacksheep battle campaign.
The Harrogate Evening League starts this week as well but unfortunately I will have to miss the first few races due to important weekend races but hopefully I will get to some of the later races after I have got the marathon Dunn and dusted.

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