Thursday 15 April 2010

A Score To Settle

I'm struggling to get down to my marathon race weight but on the running side I seem to be progressing quite well still. On Tuesday I opted to try a test run on a section of my run to work, the distance is approximately two miles and I wasn't really feeling too positive but once I got going everything seemed to click into place. Just before running 31 mins 49 secs for 10k in February at Dewsbury I tested myself on the same section so I was looking to be somewhere near that mark, I was hoping to be faster but to be on the safe side I decided I would be happy just to be 10 seconds slower. I was well pleased with myself to find that I had actually knocked more than 30 seconds off. Then just to make sure on Wednesday I hit the treadmill for a speed session and completed what I wrote was impossible three weeks ago.
Another long run this weekend at a hardish pace and then the weekend after it's the Sheffield Half Marathon. It will be good to get back racing again and then just to make sure I'm race fit for the marathon I have another few races to get in as well. The Blacksheep Race Series Championship should be I real battle this year, Fergus Meade who beat me at the Sheffield Half Marathon last year has entered the Championship this year. I won't be rolling over and giving up my trophy without a battle, besides I have already a score to settle from last year.

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