Sunday 25 April 2010

Sheffield Half Marathon.

The Sheffield Half Marathon was the race for me today. Yet again their was a mass of traffic jams crawling along through Sheffield trying to get to the Don Valley Stadium car parks I suppose with 6000 runners with family and supporters it's what you would expect. The race route isn't very quick but you are well supported through out the race which does wonders for getting every last ounce of energy out of your system. This years race also included the Yorkshire Half Marathon Championships so I was more concerned with trying to get a medal than running a fast time. The race started and that little devil on my shoulder once again demanded full steam ahead, as I was flying along with the lead group which included the eventual race winner Andrew Pearson from Longwood I was busy trying to regain control from the little devil but to be honest I felt quite comfortable with the speed. Approaching the first mile marker I eased back slightly from the lead group and regrouped with another two runners. The first three miles were a bit too quick for my liking and that was with a slight head wind to contend with as well but I desperately wanted a medal so onwards it was. Around the 5 mile point going up a short steep climb I lost contact with the runners I was with which meant I was now in fifth place but going over the top of the hill I managed to catch last years race winner Jason ward from Sheffield, I struggled behind him to 6 miles then with a mass of support cheering him on he blasted away and soon caught the runner ahead and moved into 3rd place. I was pleased really as now I could settle into my own pace that I could cope with. For three miles I chased after the runners ahead and the gap seemed to be locked but I felt I was now getting my breath back so I upped my pace and slowly but surely I reeled in Jason Ward and continued straight passed him and in doing so moved into fourth overall. The third placed runner was now locked in my sights and he wasn't far ahead and seeing as I had more than halved his lead on me over the last few miles I was confident I would get him. By 11 miles the gap was locked and then he started to pull away to be honest I didn't have enough left in my legs to chase but at the same time I felt if I dug deep down and really deep I could fight off the runner from behind. I managed to hold my position and even managed a good sprint down the last 100 metres on the track in Don Valley Stadium to sneak under the 70 minute target I wanted to break.
Fourth overall in 69 minutes 50 seconds, 1st V40 by a long way, but most importantly a Bronze Medal in the Yorkshire Championships.


Terry Lonergan said...

Excellent result, Gary. Faster than last year and second fastest alltime? And of course in a period of heavy marathon training.
keep it going!

Terry L.

Antony Bradford said...

Well done Gary. Sounds like another well fought battle for a good time and place.

All the best for Edinburgh.