Saturday 28 May 2011

Guess Work.

 Tomorrow I make a start on my 2011 racing season, better late than never. It's been 5 weeks since I wrote in my training diary that my ankle was back in full working order and that I could get back to doing some hard training. The past 5 weeks have flown and the training has gone really well  and to be honest I could of done with another 5 weeks of training before considering racing but needs must.
 The 10k race tomorrow at Melmerby is my first race in the Yorkshire Dales Race Series, my original plan was to start racing the week after at Kirkby Malzeard but now I'm using Melmerby to get used to racing again. My target is to finish within around a minute of the race winner anything under 1 minute 20 secs and I will consider it a good job done, all guess work really as I've not done any race like time trials to give me any useful hints of my fitness level. I am confident though  that I can improve by 30 seconds over 10k in 1 week so if by some miracle I can get within 30 seconds of the winner at Melmerby then Kirkby Malzeard could be become very interesting from my point of view. I should stick with focusing what I can do and not what I wish I could do so I don't wreck my race altogether.
  As for the weather forecast tomorrow I'm not too bothered as my plan has changed from trying to run sub 33 minutes into trying to get as close as possible to the race leaders. A strong headwind for the first 2 miles would be much appreciated if not I'll take what's on offer.
  My 2011 battle kit is lined up and ready to go,  the time to do battle under new flag colours has come. I might not be fully fit but I'm keen as hell now let me at em. I've lost before and  I will loose again but I won't stop trying until I win again one day.

1 comment:

Paintedrunner said...

Good luck today Gary. I hope you achieve your goals today. I'll be looking out for you.