Saturday 5 April 2014

Long Run 16/1

  If there was ever a good time to play catch up on your running rivals now is as a good as time as ever. A whole load of fellow runners will be doing marathons through out this month with Manchester, London, Brighton, Blackpool, and Paris all on offer. So whilst they are winding their training down for a week or two in preperation for running a marathon and then taking a few weeks to recover afterwards I will be doing the opposite and trying like a mad man.
    I say training like a mad man because that is what it felt like with today's training, by my calculations from today I should just be able to sneak back into area 15 in my new 5.25km treadmill test next week. I will be more than happy with 15 minutes 59 seconds at this present time.
    The weekly weight training session is sort of a pleasant change now even though I'm not lifting anywhere near what I was lifting back in November time, I don't mind trading a bit of muscle mass for some extra speed . Surprising what you could do to gain some extra speed, these little fingers seem a bit pointless and how much do they weigh ?
   The Grand National today might be worth putting a bet on. The horse called  Long Run sounds like a lucky omen to me and probably many other runners too. Going off that formula  I wonder who's going to win this years London Marathon, Mo Farrah ? Nah, I don't like the sound of that name, Billy longlegs sounds like he might go well though, his form says otherwise he's never run a race yet and has spent more time down the pub than training.

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