Sunday, 19 December 2010

Treading on.

  In the end I didn't risk venturing outside and had the sense to stick to the treadmill, there is no snow around Thirsk just plenty of the lethal black ice stuff  which is why I convinced myself to stay indoors. It's now looking like the ankle is going to take at least a month before it's anywhere near back to normal but I am more than pleased and surprised with how much running I can actually do. Anything up to 11 mph is tolerable but going any faster and the pain feels like it would be causing more damage, at the moment I would say if I went to a race I would be able to race at a good constant pace but I don't think I would be able to handle any off road stuff or attacks, so I'm back to being unsure for the Jolly Holly Jog 10k in just over a weeks time.
  I managed one hour of random uphill training on the treadmill at 15 km/h and even managed to beat my best session from not long ago so things in a strange sort of way are looking quite good. The GPS watch is still patiently sitting in it's box and it must be thinking it's going to have an easy life but come 2011 I'm hoping to make life hell for that unlucky watch.

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