Monday, 3 January 2011

What Holiday ?

   I can't believe how fast this Christmas holiday has gone it doesn't seem like five minutes ago since I finished work. At least all the snow and ice has gone for the time being and I can get back into the routine of using my own steam to get to and from work which should also help get rid of the extra weight I have added over the last month or so. On another positive note my ankle feels a whole lot better today than yesterday and I would say it is were it was before I did the long run. I read on the Internet after first damaging my ankle to expect four to six weeks for it to heal. Four weeks is looking good for a starting point were I can probably run some distance with only slight pain then it taking another two weeks were the pain gradually fades away until I don't notice it anymore.(fingers crossed)
   I will not be doing the 3000mtr indoor race at Sheffield which is a shame as I was really looking forward to the race as well, I'm sure I could handle 3000mtr at race speed on the nice flat surface but time is running out for the London Marathon and a good old long run of twenty miles will be far more important. I'm also going to try and do three 26 mile training runs this time prior to the marathon, first one easyish and to log the course and time into my GPS watch, the second one steady, and the last one fast steady to try and beat my training time from last year.
  I managed a hour of cross training at the gym this morning before I had to leave to make way for the flood of pensioners that take over the place at 10am on a Monday morning, I can't see why they should get the place to themselves and where's my V1 time slot.
  Next weekend is the Edinburgh Great Cross Country Races which should make for good viewing if they are anything like last year, it must be a big improvement on some of the crap I have seen on TV over Christmas and especially that load of rubbish that was on last night famous and fearless.

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