Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Rest to Restless.

   I thought I would take it easy this week running wise as I wind down from the enjoyment of last weekends run. After all the pressure and anxiety I placed on myself for the Masters Championships it now feels good to be free again. It felt so good and even more so after a few easy days of training that I somehow decided to do a bit of a speed training session. I know I like it warm but crikey that was bleeding hot out there. Five minutes of fast running with three minutes jog and sweat like chuff recovery, it started off well then as the heat kicked in my energy drained away down my legs and away through my feet into the heat of the tarmac. Every round of the five minutes of speed work got slower and harder but if I'm going to be racing in this sort of heat I might as well be training in it.
    I was going to throw a few races in over the next couple of weeks more for fun than anything else but I know for sure that by the time race day came round I would end up treating it like any other race were I must beat  him, him and him, and I need to be finishing in this time at least. So I will stick with training for the next three weeks that is until my next batch of planned races comes round.

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