Saturday, 21 June 2014

Peak Condition.

  There comes a time when all your hard training tapers to a point and finally you hit the peak of your physical ability compared to the training you have been doing. Well I'm not at that point yet and feel there is some way to go. Old friendly rival Jim Bulman whom I have had many a close quarter battle with was saying he is targeting running a sub 32 minute 10k this year. After giving it some thought I think I will join him in the quest, I would guesstimate I'm in low 33 minute shape were Jim is at around the 32 minute 30 seconds area and if my plan goes well hopefully I can close the gap on him. I have entered the Darlington 10k on the 10th August to firstly try and be at Jim, secondly to try and get under 32 minutes and thirdly to push Jim beyond his limits as well for a sub 32 minute 10k. I say firstly, secondly etc but in all honesty any order will do, even if nothing comes of the first two and Jim achieves his time I will take that. At least now I have something for definate to train for, target, focus on and keep motivated.
   I have a few races before then to enjoy that is  between some hard training though. Talking of hard training my session today went really well and I saw a big improvement from what I could achieve only four weeks ago, which is why I feel my journey to peak condition is far from over.
   I have one of my favourite races of the year not long after the Darlington 10k the Wetherby 10k on the 31st August. Just a slight problem there in that I need to squeeze a weeks holiday in between them. A week of over eating and drinking too much does an excellent job of wiping out at least a months worth of hard work. So I predict the Wetherby 10k will be a tough old race for me, tough but enjoyable.

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