Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Road Runner.

 I just can't make my mind up with which speed training session is the hardest and most effective, is it out on the road or the treadmill. The treadmill has got to take it on how hard you can push your self because there is no backing off once your pace is set. The effort required to run on the road is slightly harder on my cardiovascular system and it does replicate the terrain I will be racing on, but when things get really hard it's all too easy to back off just a fraction. A fraction of backing off even a mere 0.1kmh on the treadmill would be considered a failure. Seeing as I can't make my mind up which will make me run faster I am going to alternate between the two for the time being.
   I never thought  I would run another marathon again especially in full race mode, at first it was totally out of the question on all accounts, then it became all about the distance. I know I could of done the training and the mileage but the thought of racing 26.2 miles just felt impossible. And now ? Now I'm ready for the challenge once again and I think I will be entering the 2015 Manchester Marathon. A couple of targets in mind, sub 2 hours 30 and secondly to finish the year as the fastest v45. Having a target whether achievable or not  gives me a purpose and something to train towards. Believe me in the cold dark depths of winter I really do need a purpose for being out there clocking up the miles.
   In the meanwhile I have  plenty of summer races that require my attention along with some cross country races, indoor track races and a fell race or two to keep me going later on in the year.

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