Wednesday 24 September 2008

The Gladiators

10,000 applied for the latest series of Gladiators, i made it to the last 1,500 but was terminated trying to get through to the last 80. If you had the chance to practice and train what they had planned to test you with it would of been abit easier. There was 7 physical tests and you would need to score maximum points in all to go through, maybe one score just short of maximum you might get a second look at, but anything else your out.
There was approximately two hundred contenders at the audition on that day and upto me leaving with 60 still left to test only three men had got through, but more ladies went through, but obviously had a much easier tests.
I won't be training like hell just for another go at Gladiators as too much muscle bulk wouldn't help much with long distance running.
But it was a good day out. Tornado made a guest appearance, but i didn't get chance to take him on, a shame really as i could of rammed that pudel stick up his backside and put him on show in my trophy cabinet.

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