Sunday 11 January 2009

Target- Locked in.

As far as training goes this has been another good week with 80 miles of running and 1 hour of weight lifting plus not forgetting the 50 miles on the bike. I tested myself on the run home from work on Friday and i am now progressing quite well but i am still along way off where i should be. I fitted in a 2 1/2 hour trail run in today and the time just flew by compared to the usual long runs on the tarmac. Looking back over my previous years training plans i had a good 2007 season after a winter of long runs done mainly off road, last year most of my long runs where on tarmac and run at a hard effort, both systems seemed to work but the off road system was far more enjoyable and the adventure of finding new routes made it even more interesting.
I am absolutely gutted to be missing races at the moment but i know if i go to races i will carry on under performing due to the lack of not being able to train properly, February is looking good for my first race of the season and by then i should be keen as hell to get back racing.
I received my offer from the Edinburgh Marathon as an Elite runner so all my training and focus will be aimed for that big day in May. I remember training like hell in the winter of 2006 and somebody asking me what i was training for ? Good question. It did feel like i was training for nothing. So now i make sure i have a target to train for.
And finally a few photos i took on the way, in practice for taking more photos at races.

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