Saturday 23 January 2010

Bravo six down.

Just as I thought my training was doing ok this sodding cold has got the better of me and has ruined another week of training, I would of tried training through it but there was no chance of that. I can't believe I will miss the Brass Monkey Half Marathon yet again, instead of seventy minutes of hard racing I will be trying ten miles at a really easy pace that's if my lungs can handle it. Frustrated is too kind of a word to describe how I feel.
Having extra time on my hands yet again with not running I ended up calculating how many calories I need per day and how many calories I actually eat per day. Having spent weeks upon weeks last year before the marathon trying to loose weight and coming to the conclusion that I must be as light as I could be I have now found out why. I thought I was eating well below my daily calorie needs but infact I was eating the exact right amount so no wonder I wasn't loosing weight. My bowl of porridge isn't one portion but apparently there's enough to feed four fit blokes, and that's just for starters. So I will be keeping a close check over the next few months on how much I consume. My new porridge portion looks like it wouldn't fuel my big toe never mind both legs.
My next idea is to buy some more running books as I haven't purchased any for a while. Not the how to getter faster training manuals as they are nearly all the same but the autobiographies as I find I get some real inspiration from them and at moment that is what I need.


Martin said...

Chris McDougal's Born to Run and Charlie Spedding's From last to first are both good reads, and Bradley Wiggin's In pursuit of glory and Graeme Obree's The flying Scotsman are 2 excellent cycling autobiographies.

The Engineer said...

I will take your advice and go for three of them as I've already read and enjoyed the Flying Scotsman. Thanks.