Wednesday 5 May 2010

Ooops and New Incentive.

Teesbarrage 10k.
The win must of gone to my head as I slipped up with the results. 4th was Gary Grounds, 5th Richard Bellamy and Andy Chaddfield was 6th.
I have decided to have one last go at trying to loose some weight before the marathon and seeing as I'm about 9lb heavier than 2008 a few pounds should be within my grasp. My thinking is that if I have run a Half Marathon in 69 minutes 53 seconds which means I should run 2 hours 27 minutes for the marathon, now if I loose 3lb then I should be able to go sub 2 hours 25 minutes according to the predicted race time against weight loss. Doing that would mean being the No1 veteran runner in the country for the marathon, my pace chart is already in the bin as I can't resist the temptation.

1 comment:

Alan Dent said...

Hope the wieght loss goes well but take care. - on the subject of weight I read that every pound added to your body 'costs' about one and a half watts of power. so a few extra pounds one way or the other directly impacts on how fast your race time will be