Wednesday 22 January 2014

Speed 2

 Seeing as I have no injuries or any other little niggling aches or pains associated with runners I have decided to up my game and introduce a second speed training session. I seem to be recovering really well at the moment after each training session which is a bit odd to say the least as I expected my recover time to take longer now that I'm getting older. Unless its due to the fact I'm not doing as much as I used to do ?
  Talking of injuries,  I saw an old rival in athletics weekly last week that is still running really well. He took 2nd place at a masters international cross country race quite a few years ago and at the presentation he was telling me of all his injuries and niggles he had. I said to him " that's were I'm going wrong !  I have no injuries what so ever or aches or pains and I feel fit as a butchers dog." No bloody wonder I could only manage to finish in tenth place.
   I still have two weeks to go before my next planned 5km test run which I was hoping to shave 14 seconds off my last effort, I don't like to be greedy or get carried away but 20 seconds sounds much better.
  I have entered the Hartlepool Marina 5 mile race at the end of March for my first race back, I won the first ever Marina 5 mile race and also again a few years later, but I was more impressed with myself with the races that I didn't win due to the time that I achieved. I won't be running around this time in 25 minutes that is for sure I have penciled in a sub 29 minute as my long term goal that is if it's not windy as chuff.
   I could do with some new running gear, I don't know what's happened in the past few years but the price of running shoes have shot through the roof. Recession, the robbing bast*rds. You would of thought they would be cheaper or is it I have been living in Yorkshire that long and my pockets are getting deeper ?

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