Wednesday 26 February 2014

Bonus Level + National Record.

  My next big 5km test run is this Saturday morning  with 16 minutes 30 seconds locked firmly into my sights. But seeing as I'm a bit impatient I have already started my training on the next level which will get my time down to 16 minutes 10 seconds.
   Seeing as my training was going so well  I treated myself to some new race shoes which they should be here any day now. I was thinking of using them on Saturday to see if they help in cutting a few extra seconds off my 5k time but instead I will keep them in reserve until some some extra fire power is urgently needed.
   The battle with my weight continues and it is going just as well as my running, I say that but my wife is putting temptation in my way by baking some cakes. Will I be able to resist ? Errr no. I have had two already. I will just have to add more miles to my training this week to compensate, an extra 80 miles should just about cover it.
  Another one of my favourite quotes is "Fail to prepare, Prepare to fail. " I don't think I could prepare much more.
  Out of interest the All Time National Record for 5k for over 45's is 14 minutes 51 seconds. That is something I will be mulling over for some time, I reckon it's possible if massive amounts of training go to plan. But it is a big IF and some besides.

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