Wednesday 26 March 2014

Ups and Downs.

  This week has been one of those weeks were for some unknown reason you feel knackered and a bit down for no apparent reason. I can't say I was looking forward to today's speed session to say the least but from past experience you never know what can happen when this negative down feeling mode is present,  it's probably a case of already being prepared for failure even though there is noting wrong physically. Anyway today's session went well in the end and I experienced another good gain from when I last did the same session three weeks ago. I am wrestling away like mad with trying to achieve some of my older training sessions and from my training data I can see that I can match the speed and length of intervals but a I don't have the stamina or legs to do as many. I will be working on rectifying that over the next few months.
   For the rest of the week I can ease back now and get ready for my first race in years which is a five miler at Hartlepool. If the weather is OK I will be aiming for a time of around 28 minutes but if I could somehow manage to get under 28 minutes then that would be highly appreciated.
   The age thing is catching up with me, I chased round in a bit of a panic last weekend because I hadn't received my race number then after a few emails and sorting things out I suddenly remembered that I had already received my number and chucked it in my race bag. Oooops !

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