Thursday 3 September 2009

The return.

Wednesday night was Club night. I almost forgot what it was like to be out there running in torrential rain having been on holiday for a week and funny enough it was just like I remembered, not to pleasing on venturing out but once you get going it's ok. The session was two and half minutes fast with one minute rest in between with eight of these to complete the session. Running on wet soft ground made it slightly harder as well. The first three went well then the lack of training caught up with me and the final three I found really hard with the feeling I was running in wellington boots. Even though I was well off pace it was another good session.
The 5.30 am six miler wasn't too bad seeing as it wasn't raining and even on the bike to work I managed to dodge the rainfall. Then to finish the day it was the bike ride home followed by the gym session. With all the new weight lifting machines at the gym and the need to test to see what weight I can manage the hour flew by.
This Sunday will be another trek around the North Yorkshire Moors as my Route Manager maps me out another training route. I've not managed to persuade the Route Manager A.K.A. Keith Richardson to come out running and show me round, for some strange reason people think I will run them into the ground but I am more than happy to run at their pace, especially if it's their route, I can't get far if I don't know where we're going. The shoe will be on the other foot come two weeks on Sunday as I venture out on a long training run with Ste Hepples. Having just run 10 miles in 50 mins 11 secs on his return from injury I'm definitely not telling him the route before hand. Really I should make him carry a rucksack with drinks, food and wet weather clothing in then I might be able to keep up with him. But I'm really looking forward to having company on a hilly 22 miler no matter how much I will suffer.

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