Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Gary Dunn Limited.

   Next week I am definitely going to ease back on the Wednesday night speed session more to do with mental reasons than anything else. Having pushed myself to my absolute limits in search of glory or in other words trying to equal my 20 km/h interval session on the treadmill which I managed to do in the end, so next week for a treat and so I'm not dreading another severe session I will reduce the effort down to a more sensible 99.8%, only kidding 90 % should do. After completing my session which was slightly distracting with the two people on the treadmill next to me chatting away then the chap turned to me and said "I wish I could run that quick" my reply was "you would be able to if you spent the same effort running as you do talking". Luckily he found the funny side of it. It's amazing  how words just flow out of my mouth without me even having a chance to think about it, like my favourite phrase "I often regret that I have spoken never that I have remained silent". 
   Tomorrow morning will no doubt be another  freezing run to work with a nice steady weight training session after work to look forward to. It's supposed to be around 3 degrees tomorrow lunch time which will seem like summer after enduring arctic conditions for a few weeks.

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