Saturday 10 December 2011

Trek n Roll

 It didn't take long after my Trek last week to get that feeling that I was ready to roll again, so after a steady run on Tuesday off I went to the gym for a speed training session on the treadmill. My planned training session was soon in tatters as my legs felt really heavy which in turn led me to ditch the plan and just continue for a more sedate speed session. The weight training the day after seemed to help my motivation and seeing as it was icy this morning it was a case of going back to the gym for some hill training on the treadmill. ( It was this time last year that I risked going running in icy conditions and paid heavily with an injured ankle that took nine months in the end to get rid of.) I haven't done much running for the last couple of weeks what with preparing for the long walk and then recovering afterwards but for some strange reason  it didn't stop me setting my sights on an improvement from my last  hill training session. Luckily I managed to complete the training session with a slight improvement on last time which has done wonders for my morale and left me feeling quite keen for tomorrows long run that's if it's not too frosty.

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