Thursday, 10 April 2014

Well Dunn.

 All I can say is that " you must be mad to train like a mad man."
I have been doing some extra miles and ramping the speed up here and there on some of my steady runs to keep with my notion from last week to up my training game whilst a lot of my rivals are doing spring marathons. Trying to loose weight along with the extra training is  taking some doing as there is never enough fuel in the tank to keep up with what I'm trying to do.
  I also have my new extended 5km test run on the treadmill to look forward to first thing on Saturday morning were I will be targeting to get under sixteen minutes. The 5km test  now being 5.25km as to replicate what I could achieve on the road. It's looking like it's going to be a close one whether I can get under sixteen minutes or not.
  My improvements from now on will be like little steps compared to the giant leaps I have been experiencing for the last three months, it's a shame really because if I kept improving like I was for just another few months then I'm sure I would of been capable of winning an Olympic Gold medal never mind anything else. They might be small steps of improvement but I can guarantee there will be a lot of hard graft and sweat put into them.
  Someone must of tipped off the organisers of the masters national championships on how well my training is going as they have given me number 001, unless it was because I was overly keen and was the first entrant. I will take the first option please to give myself a morale boost. Well Dunn.

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