Sunday, 29 June 2014

Leg wrecker 22

   I opted for some strength come stamina training this morning by the way of one of my old marathon training routes, the Leg Wrecker 22. The route is seriously hilly and the purpose is to do what it says on the tin and wreck your legs over the 22 miles. It's been over three years since I last ran this route so it was a case of getting round rather than attacking which was a good job as I didn't have much left in the tank by the time I finished.
   The extra miles in the bank will hopefully pay off in a few weeks time when I do the Kilburn 7 mile race which doesn't seem to undulating when training round the route but it's different matter come race day.
   I have been looking at the GPS watches which could be a useful tool for getting the pace right for a marathon. It's my wife birthday in a few weeks time so I suppose I could by her one and if she isn't using it on the weekends then I could borrow it. She hasn't used her race trainers much that I bought her last year, she complains they are way to big but luckily they fit me a treat when I borrow them.

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