Lungs V Legs
It has been some time since my lungs (cardiovascular system) out did my legs but that is exactly what happened in tonight's speed training session. It beat any of my results from 2010 so it's not as if it is down to my knackered little old legs giving up.
Testing, Testing
Time has come again for plenty of testing and retesting as I constantly need to be slightly upping my game to gain more speed to try and break 32 minutes at the Darlington 10k race on the 10th August. To be honest I would be happy with a 32 minute something time so a sub 32 minute would be totally awesome to say the least.
Race Time
I have the Kilburn 7 mile race to look forward to a week on Sunday which is on my own stomping ground. I train round that area a lot but believe me it feels like a total different area come race day. The undulating route in training becomes a hilly route come race day. I then have the Harrogate Town Centre 10k race the week after that to enjoy as well before I knuckle down and focus on the Darlington 10k.
Tour de France
It's Le Tour de France time here in North Yorkshire this Saturday which should be good. Funny old thing the Tour de France as it may be the biggest and the most known cycle race but it's along way off being the best race. Even so there is something very addictive to Le Tour and I haven't missed one for the last 24 years. So it will be good to see some live action for a change.
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