Sunday, 15 June 2014

The National Masters 5k Championships.

Number 001 - Gary Dunn
 Seven months ago I was over weight and hadn't raced competitively for over two years so to try and get back to my best within that time was probably asking a bit much even more so now that I'm over five years older. Loosing the weight conflicted with my speed training as I juggled the weight loss against the fuel I needed to power my speed sessions, maybe I should of lost the weight first had a few weeks rest then trained with full ferocity for seven months, but there again I might not of had as much enthusiasm as I have had since getting back training again. I would of ditched some of my treadmill work for hill training sessions without a doubt and I probably should of raced a bit more towards the championships.
Hiding in the pack. (white vest)
  The race course at Horwich in Lancashire is undulating and is just over three laps of the town centre the extra bit being uphill. There are no sharp turns or u-turns and a good steady hill of around 500 metres to get up each lap, if it was too flat then it might as well be on a track so overall it's perfect for a road race.
Taking it easy after the race.
   The race got under way not long after a bit of wrestling for a good grid position, somehow I found myself pushed back to the second row. I wasn't too bothered as any one who is in front of me on the start that is not moving fast enough for the front end of the race will soon be trampled and barged past. The race started and all was fine no one underfoot going too slow and I slotted in nicely at the back of a forming lead group. It felt too easy and my legs felt shaky as they weren't working hard enough but I knew I had to control the first km at all costs very unlike my past few races. First km was passed in under three minutes so not too slow after all and even maybe a touch too quick. We worked our way up the hill to cross the finish line for the second time and start the second lap, the 2km mark is located just after that point and all was good and thoughts about when I should attack entered my mind. There was two other v45's in this lead group of five so it was looking tight and god knows who was behind me and how far. As we climbed back up to the finish line to start the third and final lap I started to crack and couldn'
t keep with the lead group. Oh hell ! Dig deep and suffer now, there's no second chance this is it ran through my mind as my lungs had fire running through them. I was passed by a runner on the back straight and then just before the final climb to the finish  I could hear the one footed monster behind  getting close, as we started the climb the one footed monster drew level and then finally inched ahead. A quick glance and I saw V35 on his back and not my v45 category just a young kid phew that was close. There was quite a large gap behind me after that so it was a case of trying to gain them two places back again. I gave it absolutely everything trying to catch that lad in front of me but to no avail. 15 minutes 52 seconds and a National Bronze medal for me. Silver was ten seconds ahead and gold three seconds ahead of him.
  I wanted Gold, but believe me I'm over the moon with Bronze. Third best in the country, err no, third best in Britain and I'm taking it.
  Age graded adjustment = 14 mins 26 seconds.
The National Masters 5km Bronze Medal
  Thirteen seconds slower than when I ran this same event 5 years ago as a v40 where I also won a bronze medal. So in all a job well Dunn in my head.


Paintedrunner said...

Good to see you back in the prizes, Gary, congratulations

The Engineer said...

Thanks Lena.

Alan Dent said...

Great run in such a short time - congats!

The Engineer said...

Cheers Alan.
Be good to see you back up to speed as well.