Thursday 27 August 2009

New Machines make flying machine.

Off I went to the gym tonight and I was redirected to the new gym room complete with brand spanking new machines as well as air conditioning that works. After spending so long on the old machines that the gym had borrowed from Fred Flinstone the new machines are a massive improvement and seem to work your muscles much better. Thursday nights are strictly for weight lifting only but I couldn't resist a go on the treadmill as I could hear it calling me over. I warmed up for a few minutes then cranked it up to see how quick it could go as the old machine was only capable of 16 km/h but this new beauty went to 20 km/h. I eased back after a short time and thought to myself that maybe I could now get a descent work out at last without having to set the treadmill on a steep gradient. I had to have one more blast and on reaching 20 km/h again , I tried to increase the speed and bloody hell the thing went to 23km/h. I almost took off my legs were going that fast. Well ! This winter is looking better by the minute. A shame there was nothing to work the abs but I can live with that for the moment.
The weight game has gone off scale as I have managed to grow to a new five year P.B. Weighing in at 10 stone 10 lb a long way from 2008 marathon weight of 9 stone 12 lb. I must admit there wasn't a calorie I didn't enjoy. But I'm going to enjoy every last ounce of pain back to P.B. breaking form.

A week off and look what happens.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear you're back training. I'm a big fan of the treadmill as well and try to keep telling myself just for the snowy days but it too calls me. I guess I'll see you at one of the Yorkshire championships some time soon.

Simon Anderson said...

All that weight will affect your gait!